Besides the usual stages, Hyuna, ZE:A, Girl’s Day, and CSJH – Dana & Sunday all had their comeback stages while Jang Woo Hyuk begun follow-up promotions.
It was Minho and Onew last episode today alongside Suzy and Jiyeon as they take a temporary leave of absence. They were on the job for 8 months.

Minho concluded, “It was an honor to have been an MC for even this short period of time. I’m thankful to Jiyeon and Suzy who MCed with us and to the staff members as well.”
From this week onwards, unless otherwise specified or putting on a special performance, all goodbye stages will be contained in music show summary articles to save space.
f(x), Rainbow, Rania, and N-Train had their goodbye stages this afternoon.
source : allkpop