
She thought they were going for a gentle walk in the field together.
But suddenly, inexplicably, Ginger's owner turned on his heel, ran back to the car and drove off, leaving the dog behind.
Terrified to see him disappearing, the Shetland-cross terrier chased the car as it pulled away. But, limping badly thanks to her overgrown claws, she had to stop.
Luckily for Ginger, staff at a nearby office block saw what had happened. They ran outside and took the distressed dog inside.
One took her to the vet to have her claws trimmed - which is what had been causing the limp and then she was collected by the council's dog warden team.
However, the scene was also captured on CCTV. So officials are also trying to trace the owner, in the hope that he can be prosecuted for his cruelty to the pet.
Steve Sudworth, who was working in the offices at British Marine Technology, in Weymouth, Dorset, explained how saw the man dump Ginger.
'I happened to see the man and dog walk towards the woods behind our building. After a few seconds I saw the man walking very fast back to the car and he jumped in.
'I thought he was going to shout for the dog but the car started reversing and pulled out of the car park fast.
'The dog tried to follow but couldn't because of the limp.'
The dog is being kept by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council. Chris Robertson, assistant dog warden, said: 'Ginger is a really nice dog, she has a lovely temperament.
'I don't know why anyone would just abandon her.'
If prosecuted, her owner could face six months in prison and/or £20,000 fine.
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source: dailymail