Lady Gaga unleashes her inner activist (in some peculiar glasses and a blonde wig) as she takes the stage at political rally


By Daily Mail Reporter

Activist: Lady Gaga made an impassioned speech today on behalf of repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell rule that prevents gays and lesbians openly serving in the military

Lady Gaga doesn't make for the most conventional of political activists.

But, conventional or not the 24-year-old singer has no problems with taking to the stage and taking a stance on issues she believes in.

She did such a thing today, when she spoke at a rally in support of repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell laws that prevent gays and lesbians from serving in the military.

The rally, which was held in Portland, Maine was organized by The Service Members Legal Defence Network with the aim to put pressure on Republican Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins to vote in favour of repeal.

Gaga took her place on the podium, dressed in a long white wig, large black rimmed glasses, a dark trouser suit and a patriotic stars and stripes tie.

Standing in front of a giant American flag, Gaga outlined her argument, punctuating her passionate speech with plenty of arm movements and bizarre facial expressions.

Dressed to impress: Gaga was dressed in a black trouser suit, blonde wig, black rimmed glasses and a stars and stripes tie

Declaring that: 'Equality is the prime rib of America,' the pop star urged the two U.S. senators to help break a Republican filibuster on legislation that includes a repeal of the military's ban on openly gay service members.

'My name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. I am an American citizen,' she said, going on to urge Collins and Snowe to support the repeal the rule and share 'the greatest cut of meat that my country has to offer' with gays and lesbians in the military.

'Shouldn't everyone deserve the right to wear the same meat dress that I do?' Gaga asked. 'Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell' or go home.'

Impassioned: Gaga made a number of bizarre facial expressions and lots of hand movements during her speech in Portland, Maine

Go on punk make my day: At times Gaga looked more Dirty Harry than activist pop star

'Since then (1993) 14,000 Americans have been discharged from the armed forces, refused the right to serve their country and sent home regardless of honourable service or how valuable they may have been to their units,' says the singer in the video.

'I have called both of the senators that operate in my district. I will not stop calling until I reach them,' she says

'I am here to be a voice for my generation,' she says.

Tell it as it is: Gaga urged the Republican Senators to 'repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, or go home'

'We are not asking you to agree with or approve the moral implications of homosexuality. We’re asking you to do your job – to protect the constitution.'

'Ultimately the law is being enforced by using gay profiling and gay soldiers have become targets,' Gaga says.

'Not only is the law unconstitutional, but it’s not even being properly or fairly enforced by the government.'

Outrageous attire: Gaga asked at the rally: 'Doesn't everyone deserve the right to wear the same meat dress that I do?'

source: dailymail

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